October. This month signifies change. Frost blankets the meadows. A morning breath glistens with steam in the crisp, clear air. Snow accumulates in the high country. Larger animals continue to mate.
Nature pulls in and begins to rest to survive the upcoming winter. She becomes quiet and dormant. Bears establish dens. The rifle shot echoes off hillsides as hunting season continues. Ice forms on the stream beds. Chickadees search for sunflower seeds at my feeder.
Animals migrate with the weather. Warm afternoons spent basking in the sun. Unsettled weather gets them moving. As they innately know, winter cometh and one best be prepared.
For locals, October means the last bike ride or hike. Time to gather wood. To sort summer clothes and locate the winter woolies. It also means travel. I share Bhutan- a monarchy in Asia, the jewel of the Himalayas. Bhutan resonates with synergy, wild nature, and Buddhism. Life pulses with harmony. What an amazing country.
I work with Kinlay Gyeltshen and his son, Tashi. We collaborated to create Bhutan Himalayan Experience. I either help people with personal itineraries or they join me for a scheduled trip. It is great to share Bhutan with others! While I visit, I am always impressed by the cohesion between the people, the government, spiritual beliefs and nature. It is a trip that can’t be beat! The personal itineraries are customized to each group and there is no additional cost over daily visa. Let me know if you would like to know more about Bhutan.
Regardless, I hope that you can travel and experience other countries and cultures. I have always learned so much and return home with a true appreciation of my life and my country.
November will bring more snow. Jackson Hole Mountain Resort opens Thanksgiving Day. Our small mountain town becomes a winter wonderland. It can’t be beat!