Local Wildlife
May started with a whisper of winter and ended with the brilliance of spring — from brown dried vegetation to vibrant green leaves and the dance of color on the hillsides. Bears emerged from dens and the infamous Grizzly 399 surfaced and greeted onlookers with four new cubs. She’s quite the matriarch! See Grizzly 399 with her cubs »
Large animals have their young in the spring and take advantage of the warm summer months to get their offspring strong and healthy for the long winter ahead. Keep an eye out for Bison and Moose calves as the snow melts and summer begins in Jackson Hole.
Local News
Like all communities, we are adjusting to life with COVID-19 as we slowly reopen our town. Both Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Park reopened on May 18 with “phase 1” operations. Visitation has picked up in the Town of Jackson and local businesses are figuring out how to operate within the current safety guidelines as we create the “new normal.” You will see a common thread of stringent cleaning, social distancing and wellness checks. Read more »

As we adjust to business with new guidelines and precautions, the processes of nature continue to adjust with birth, death and change. This gives us the opportunity to reflect on impermanence and the realization that everything will change. “This, too, shall pass.”
Lots of regional events are being altered to limit the size of gatherings. Whether a cancelled music concert or a smaller fair or the Frontier Days in Cheyenne, decisions are being made for the sake of safety. Let’s remember that it is for now, Summer 2020, and the future holds promise and possibility.
Spring means new life. Here in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem you can enjoy wild nature and explore the 18 million acres of land — a protected web of life. Let the grandness, spontaneity and beauty of nature replenish your soul.
“The Guesthouse” by Rumi
This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.
A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.
Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they’re a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still, treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.
The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
meet them at the door laughing,
and invite them in.
Be grateful for whoever comes,
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.
What’s in the woods
5/13/20- Jackson, WY- backyard birding- white crowned sparrows, cassin’s finch, pink-sided Oregon juncos, green-headed towhee, western tanager
5/14- grey and rainy
5/14- Josie’s Ridge- Aspen leaves emerging, pasque flower, bluebells, ruby crowned kinglet, ravens, chickadee
5/15- Jackson, WY- backyard birding- evening grosbeak
5/16- Wilson, WY- mature and immature bald eagle, redtail hawk, raven
5/17- Munger Mountain- shooting star, orogenia, yellowbell lily, spring beauty, indian paintbrush
5/17- Atherton- elk, mountain lion tracks, nine-leaved desert parsley, phlox
5/20- Cache Creek- leaves just developing, rain/snow mix
5/23- rainy and cold
5/24- Gros Ventre Mountains- arrowleaf balsamroot, mustard, phlox, spring beauty, yellow bell lily, bluebells, mountain lion track, deer, moose and elk tracks
5/25- Highway 22- osprey on nests, bald eagle on power pole, great blue heron flying over snake river, red tail hawks
5/31- Boulder, WY- arrowleaf balsamroot, scarlet gilia, baneberry, Oregon grape, death camus, nine-leaved desert parsley, long-leaved phlox, antelope bitterbrush, turkey vultures, red-tailed hawks, flickers, robins, gold finch
Tour Suggestion
Lower elevations offer dry trails and Spring flowers. Arrowleaf Balsamroot shines brightly on the hillsides. You can’t miss its arrow shaped leaf and bright yellow blossoms. It is in the sunflower family. Fun hikes near town including Josie’s Ridge, Cache Creek and Game Creek all have wonderful spring flowers.
It’s a great time to look for wildlife. Bears can be found up in Grand Teton Park near Pilgrim Creek, the Oxbow and Jackson Lake area. Lots of sightings of Grizzlies with cubs. Have fun and enjoy the daily changes as snow melts and summer begins. And don’t forget your bear spray!